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Media Accreditation 2024

• Opening date for media accreditation (national and international): 5 July 2024.
• Closing date for national media: 15 August.
• Closing date for international media: 21 August.

Permanent Media Contact Details
Address: Motorsport Greece
Olympic Athletic Center of Athens – OAKA (Velodrome)
1 Spyrou Loui Avenue, 151 23 Marousi, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 6898357
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Website: www.acropolisrally.gr

FIA WRC Media Delegate: Vera Dussausaye
Tel: +41 22 544 45 48
Mobile: +41 78 978 96 99
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Press Officer: Helen Xenakis
Mobile: +30 6974 362 362
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WRC Promoter Accreditation Manager: Miguel Fonseca
Mobile: +49 162 1985064
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EKO Acropolis Rally Accreditation Manager: Angeliki Maleviti
Mobile: +30 697 1578255
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accreditation info

Applying media outlets are required to upload a formal application letter signed by the Chief editor of the publication or agency, as well as recent proofs of publication of the journalist or photographer to be accredited. No document should be sent by email.

Accreditation for Greek media

Greek media must apply for accreditation until 15 August 2024.

International media and national news agencies

International media (news and photo agencies, print and web media) based outside Greece, as well as national news agencies, must apply through the FIA AMS platform until 21 August 2024:

TV and international radio

International radio and TV media (Greek/international), all recording video footage outlets, must apply through WRC Promoter until 21 August 2024:

Teams’ and drivers’ media personnel

Media and social media personnel of teams competing in the EKO Acropolis Rally must apply through WRC Promoter via the link above.

Press Accreditation Guidelines

The National Press Officer will only accredit the publications / small national agencies (journalists and photographers), websites and radio stations of Greece. Any other applicant must apply directly to the FIA Communications Department using the online international rally-by-rally accreditation system at https://wrc.ams.fia.com/login

Greek press agencies as well as the local offices of all major international agencies will be accredited directly by the FIA (e.g. the ANA-MPA must be accredited by the FIA for all rallies including the EKO Acropolis Rally, etc).

The National Press Officer of EKO Acropolis Rally will accredit the major publications / small national agencies of the country, permitting a maximum of three passes per publication/agency after having made a very strict selection of the accredited media. Three passes will exceptionally be issued to publications/agencies confirming a substantial amount of on-event coverage. A maximum of one pass (journalist only) will be issued to websites (photo tabards are not issued to websites).

• Accreditation requests for nationally based media must be sent until 15 August.
• International media (news and photo agencies, print and web media) based outside of Greece and national news agencies must apply through the FIA AMS platform: http://wrc.ams.fia.com/ until 21 August. Applying media outlets are required to upload a formal application letter signed by the Chief editor of the publication or agency, as well as recent proofs of publication of the journalist or photographer to be accredited. No document should be sent by email.
• International radio and TV media must apply through WRC Promoter (see link above).
• Media personnel of teams competing in the EKO Acropolis Rally must apply through WRC Promoter (see link above).

Accreditation Criteria
Accreditation recommendations are made by the National Press Officer, and the FIA WRC Media Delegate will give final approval according to the following principles and procedures:

• Respect for the accreditation deadline
• Compliance with the requested elements of the procedure (formal request on headed letter paper signed by the editor or senior member of staff, a sample of the publication (preferably including previous WRC coverage), examples of previous WRC coverage and a copy of the representatives’ press card)
• Commitment of coverage devoted to the event
• Match with circulation and/or quality criteria

Additional information can be found in the media section of www.fia.com.

Publications must be available to the public via retail outlets (trade, club or internal company magazines will normally not be accredited). However, at the sole discretion of the FIA, and where the quality and circulation criteria justify their consideration, such magazines may be eligible for accreditation on a case-by-case basis.

The FIA considers the media pass to be a working tool to be used only by bona fide members of the press. Publishers, marketing personnel, sub-editors, staff of the publication’s secretariat etc. cannot be accredited as media.

Media passes can be allocated to general news, specialist, business, and lifestyle consumer publications that do not intend to publish conventional rally reports but whose coverage is considered to be of promotional benefit to the sport. Generally, however, the FIA will not accredit publications less than one-year-old.

The usual minimum circulation for a national weekly or monthly publication is 10,000 copies. For a national daily, the minimum circulation is 30,000 copies.

For daily newspapers and websites, a substantial amount of coverage for each event is required. For example, an introductory article on Thursday, follow-up articles Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and an event report on Monday.

A substantial amount of coverage for the event is required for a weekly or monthly publication.

The highest standards of fairness and accuracy are expected as a minimum quality requirement from the printed press.

Photographers’ applications must follow the same criteria as stated above. Publications or agencies applying for single-round accreditation must supply evidence of independent coverage of a minimum of 15 pictures per pass issued at each event they have been accredited for in the previous year’s Championship.

Freelance journalists must apply for credentials via their own agencies. The freelance applicant must prove the supply of regular stories to at least three publications corresponding to the FIA accreditation criteria.

Photo agencies must be able to prove that their pictures have been regularly sold to publications matching the FIA criteria and have been paid for at the normal commercial rate. A publication must be able to prove that the pictures published are the original work of the publication's accredited photographer.

The number of photographers’ media passes issued for the national media on EKO Acropolis Rally will not exceed 12. Thus, Media will have access to a national pool system at www.acropolisrally.gr of free-of-charge images for editorial use.

Photographers who do not comply with the above criteria (e.g., commercial photographers) must apply for accreditation through the WRC Promoter’s platform, stating the nature of their business.

Once the list with the accredited media has been approved by the FIA WRC Media Delegate, the National Press Officer will confirm the accreditation to each applicant and provide detailed information about the number and type of passes and tabards to be issued, as well as about the mandatory photo briefing for photographers. This will take place at 17:00 hrs on the Wednesday before the start of the event unless it is aligned differently between the National Press Officer and FIA Media Delegate.

Liability Waivers
The Directors/Senior Editors and the accredited person/s of all accredited media must sign the Accreditation Agreement and Individual Acknowledgement, which will be attached to every confirmation sent to the national media.

TV / Radio Media Accreditation
National radio media applications will be coordinated by the National Press Officer. WRC Promoter should be advised of the national radio representatives wishing to be accredited, and a list with any requests for tabards should be submitted to them for approval. Only radio personnel broadcasting live from the end of stages will be allocated tabards.

All television applications must be submitted directly to WRC Promoter through its link (see above).

Under no circumstances will the National Press Officer/Accreditation Officer accredit any TV outlet without written clearance from the above-mentioned organisation.